Foam präsentiert vom 22. Oktober bis 1. November die Ausstellung Foam Talent 2020 mit Werken einer neuen Generation bildender Künstler.
Öffnungszeiten: 12-18 Uhr, Eintritt frei
Jedes Jahr lädt Foam Fotografen dazu ein, Portfolios über den Talent Call einzureichen – eine internationale Suche nach außergewöhnlich talentierten Fotografen unter 35 Jahren. Ausgewählte Fotografen erhalten internationale Bekanntheit und Anerkennung in der Fotoindustrie durch eine Reihe von Karrieremöglichkeiten, die Foam bietet. Dazu gehören die Veröffentlichung im Foam Magazine, die Teilnahme an einer Gruppenausstellung und die Möglichkeit, dass die eigenen Arbeiten in die renommierte Kunstsammlung Deutsche Börse der Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation in Frankfurt aufgenommen werden.
On the occasion of the European Month of Photography, Foam proudly presents the first Berlin-edition of the exhibition Foam Talent 2020, showcasing works from a new generation of visual artists at KühlhausBerlin. Together, the 19 emerging artists featured in the exhibition are exceptionally placed to give us insight into the state of contemporary photography.
In light of Foam Talent 2020 Foam is organising a programme of talks and the official opening on Wednesday 21 October.
Photography in Limbo: Nurturing Talent in Times of Crisis
16.00 – 18.00 hrs
In collaboration with the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation and C/O Berlin, Foam organises a programme consisting of artist talks and Q&A’s. Several artists from this year’s talent selection will present and discuss their work within the context of The New Normal, in conversation with Anne-Marie Beckmann (Director, Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation), Felix Hoffmann (Chief Curator, C/O Berlin), Marcel Feil (Director, Foam), Mirjam Kooiman (Curator, Foam) and Amelie Schüle (Project Coordinator, Foam).
Book tickets here
18.00 – 21.00 hrs
You are warmly invited to the opening of the exhibition Foam Talent 2020 | Berlin. We are happy to welcome you throughout the evening, to enjoy the exhibition and meet some of the artists and team-members of Foam.
RSVP here (mandatory)
* Press can register via pressoffice@foam.org
Aàdesokan (Nigeria), Sofia Borges (Brazil), Adji Dieye(Senegal/Italy), Rahima Gambo (Nigeria), Karla Hiraldo Voleau (France/Dominican Republic), Benoît Jeannet(Switzerland), Luther Konadu (Canada/Ghana), Matthew Leifheit (United States), Douglas Mandry (Switzerland), Philip Montgomery (United States), Camillo Pasquarelli (Italy), Simone Sapienza (Italy), Micha Serraf (Zimbabwe/South Africa), Hashem Shakeri (Iran), Gao Shang (China), Kamonlak Sukchai (Thailand), Guanyu Xu (China/United States), Yorgos Yatromanolakis (Greece), Alba Zari (Italy/Thailand).
* underlined artists will be present at the event.
Foam Talent 2020 | Berlin can be seen from 22 October until 1 November 2020. The exhibition will be opened daily from 12.00 to 18.00 hrs. Entrance is free.